Have a database to keep track of adoptions. This makes it easier to send out mass emails and to keep track of adoptions: animals that have gone through the shelter, medical information, adoption dates, etc. If your shelter is partnered with any pet insurance company (i.e. Truepanion), try to provide every new owner with discounts through these partnerships. Such as, up to a month of free insurance. This will ease the cost of owning a new pet.
- Keep that connection with the owner. Send follow up emails. 3 weeks, 3 months after the adoption. Remind them that should they face issues, you are always a resource to them.
- Send out congratulatory Adopt-a-versaries emails every year. This builds rapport between the shelter, owners and the community.
- Being a pet owner is not an easy job, a small recognition every so often helps remind them that their efforts are appreciated in the community.