General Information
- Foster homes are very important for an animal because the environment that animals live in is artificial
- Foster homes help:
- Animals transition into a home and be ready for adoption
- Animal shelters open up more space in the shelter for animals that need more close and medical attention
Establish Foster Network
- Promote a lot on social media
- Post about specific dogs that need fosters
- Be responsive and transparent on social media
- Animal shelters who post consistently on their social media accounts and groups will encourage people to adopt and help out
- Establish that the animals that the people are fostering are the shelter’s, not theirs
Becoming a Foster
- Ask people to fill out a foster application
- Helps screen understand where people are at so employees can start a conversation with them and establish a relationship with them
- Application collects specific information:
- Experience with animals
- Living environment
- References to understand if it is true that the person applying knows how to care for animals.
Prepare Fosters
- Animal shelters usually provide equipment, vet care, and training support to help the fosters
- Prepare people to understand that being a foster is a long-term commitment.
- Most of the time, the animals that they are fostering will stay with them until they are adopted.
- Have a group of long term fosters, and a group of short term fosters
- Short term fosters = those who will take care of the animals when long term fosters go on vacation or are out of town
- A lot of volunteers often will start off as a short term foster and become long term fosters
- Encourage people who foster to send photos to the animal shelter’s social media to grow the community
- Good way to check in that the foster animal is safe.