General Information
- Recruiting volunteers is a slow process in the beginning but do not be discouraged
- Volunteers are like the ambassadors to the community
- Do not make it a cost for volunteers to be part of the shelter’s organization
- Ensure that volunteers are being thanked and respected so they can feel that they are making a difference
- Promote need for volunteers by having a social media presence
- Examples: Instagram, Website Blog, TikTok, Facebook Page
- Go to outreach events to recruit and give more information about the shelter
- Schools are also a good place to engage with the community to recruit volunteers.
- Telling children about how there is a need for help in the shelters and kids will get the message out.
- Encourage people to share this information
- Use a volunteer application
- Can easily screen applicants
- Provide information on what is expected of the volunteers When applying to be a volunteer,
- Have a training process or orientation
- Teach volunteers how to care and treat animals at the shelter
- Set schedule for volunteers help the animal shelter receive help consistently
- Example: each volunteer is scheduled for two-hour shifts weekly